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Nutrition + Wellness Coaching

Food Blogger


with Alexa Poole - Nutritionist + Wellness Coach                                                                                         


​I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that I look at how ALL areas of your life are connected. Does stress at your job or in a relationship cause you to overeat? Do you feel uncomfortable and bloated after eating and can't figure out why? Do you feel like you have zero time for yourself and always giving to others? As we work together, we will look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole and use whole foods and lifestyle adjustments to achieve optimal wellness.



How does it work?

Step 1: Initial Consultation


To become an established client, book your Comprehensive Initial Consultation ($125). Beforehand, I will send you an in-depth health history form to fill out. During this 1 hour consultation we will get to know one another while going over your health history, current concerns, and what your desires are for working together. Together we will formulate a customized action plan in order to get started right away. What works for one person does not work for another therefore, each plan will be tailored to the individual. Plans can consist of food and lifestyle suggestions and any other suggestions regarding mental and emotional wellness for optimal health. 

For new clients only. If you would like to see what it's like to work with me before hand, I suggest booking a Discovery Call first.


Step 2: Follow-Up Sessions


Anywhere from one to two weeks after your initial consultation, you will book a follow-up consultation. During the consultation, as well as any others following, we will review your progress, go over any questions, and continue to build on your plan while making necessary adjustments. Follow-up sessions are a wonderful way to stay motivated, focused, and accountable. Each session lasts up to 1 hour. Most clients feel more encouraged and supported with follow-up sessions. It all depends on your personal needs and desired outcome.

For existing clients only.


As your guide, I will empower you and support you as you set goals and make sustainable changes that improve your health and happiness. As your coach, I will listen carefully while we navigate together what truly works for you.


During your sessions:


- Discuss strategies to help you feel your best

- Discuss personal challenges you may be dealing with

- Optimize your eating & lifestyle behaviors

- Talk about what YOU need! I am here to listen and be your health advocate who truly cares for you (and your family) well-being.


Bonuses of working together:


Not only do you receive a customized lifestyle plan, but I can support you no matter where you are on your journey. I am dedicated to support you and encourage you to feel your best!


10 Signs Working With Alexa Is Right For You:


1. You want to achieve your goals and be successful 

2. You are more likely to accomplish goals when you have guidance and accountability

3. You want to improve your diet & lifestyle, but you're not sure where to start

4. You're tired of dieting, restriction, and frustration that comes with trying to lose weight

5. You feel stressed or you're going through a big transition

6. You're struggling and lacking self confidence

7. You want to back better use of your time, resources, and abilities

8. You want to have a good listener on your side with honest feedback and new perspectives

9. You want to boost your overall well-being

10. You want the ability to stay positive and motivated



If you are interested in the next step, use the form below to begin the conversation of discovering what is the best fit for you!

Let's Get Started! Schedule your Discovery Call now.

Thanks for submitting!

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